Conversions, Conversions, Conversions

2 min readJul 10, 2020
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You know, traffic to your site is fantastic………………… if you convert them into users. It's the typical trap as a new startup with a newly launched product. You start with focusing too much on the product and building it with a new feature here, new feature there, hell everyone gets new features. Until you realize there is not a feature in the world that will bring the traffic to your site. That is entirely up to you.

You then go all-in on traffic and trying to drive traffic to your site and forget that you also need to create a way to turn that traffic into users. This is the exact problem we are facing at

My amazing co-founder has boosted our SEO to a point where we are getting roughly 1,000 new unique visitors a month (growing roughly 25% week over week to btw) and this is essentially (if not all) organic traffic. The problem is…….. you guessed it. We are not converting!

So we have ultimately decided to experiment with different ways to convert users. We are starting a construction technology newsletter to provide some great content to our visitors and also show them the benefits of using Duct. We are also starting a podcast to do the same, create useful and relevant content for the construction industry.

So, let's see where this goes. Luckily, the data will be easy to determine if it works, or not. Power to all the entrepreneurs out there!




I am a serial entrepreneur with focus in the DeFi, No-Code, and Investech space. Working on Pital, Defund Finance, and Calypso.