Another Day Of Hell As An Entrepreneur

2 min readJun 14, 2020
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Yep, another day of asking myself, why the hell am I doing this again? After my algorithm on kept getting reoccurring bugs, I had to figure out how exactly I was going to fix the issue at hand and spent almost a day trying to fix it through trial and error all for it to end up being an unloaded package due to a restart of my virtual machine the day before. What a bummer :(.

Along with that, I spent the entire day posting content and blogging as much as I can only to get a few views. Another pessimistic question, is anyone listening? I know that all it takes is that one piece of content so I am going to keep pushing through but sometimes it can be tough.

On a more somewhat positive note, Fresh Coffee had a fantastic ad run if you are looking at engagement with an about 50% engagement rate. The downside of that being there was only 2 link clicks although there were almost a thousand likes. So we are getting the person's attention but we are not giving them enough engaging content to push through to our site. We are now thinking of changing our ad plan to videos instead of photos to push more engagement with the ad and hopefully get more link clicks. Since it is a Sunday I will keep this post quick but summing up my weekend:

The main points being:

  1. Keep posting content although it may seem no one is listening
  2. Look at the positives on the bad things and abstract insights into how you are going to improve from these bad things
  3. Usually being an entrepreneur sucks, but that one day out of 30 that you get that huge traffic spike to your site, a large number of signups and amazing content views makes the bad days worth it.

Have a great rest of your weekend!






I am a serial entrepreneur with focus in the DeFi, No-Code, and Investech space. Working on Pital, Defund Finance, and Calypso.